#Archiveunfolded: Pietro Ghizzardi’s art becomes social during the Covid-19 emergency


Dear friends, Italy and most countries in EU are living under quarantine these days to prevent the Covid-19 from speading further and stressing out our Health Care Systems to the point of no return. At House Museum Pietro Ghizzardi we’ve been under quarantine for over a week now and many programmed activities and exhibitions we’ve been working on for quite some time and which were expected in the next weeks and months have been canceled or rescheduled to a later – yet unpredictable – date.

We are confident to catch up with it all in summer, hopefully. We thought to make sense of this time off by offering our followers the chance to get to know Pietro Ghizzardi a little better through our social media: Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

In the next days and weeks we will therefore unfold resources from our archive to get Ghizzardi closer to you in the most direct way: through his voice, his words, his paintings. If you don’t mind following our story telling, it’d be nice to discover this irregular and unique artist together.

Due to the Covid-19 emergency the House Museum Pietro Ghizzardi will be closed and the Catloguing activity suspended to a date to be determined according to Italian Government Ordinances.

#archivioaperto #archiveunfolded #pietroghizzardi

admin#Archiveunfolded: Pietro Ghizzardi’s art becomes social during the Covid-19 emergency